On 15 March 2021, the IMPACT-SC5 consortium organised an interactive workshop comparing the approaches of Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge ‘Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy’ (SC2) and Societal Challenge 5 ‘Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials’ (SC5) and their impacts on future rresearch and innovation strategies and EU policy goals. In this context, we presented the project’s impact pathway and portfolio analysis methodology, discussed how stronger interlinkages between programmes could help to increase efficiency, reduce redundancies, and build synergies in research and its applications while also improving governance across sectors.
Following the opening presentations by consortium partners Naiara Uribe (Tecnalia), Janne Lehenkari and Mona Arnold (both VTT), a panel of five experts was asked to reflect on the first results of the comparative analysis of Research and Innovation Actions and Innovation Actions across these two Societal Challenges. Two further questions were then addressed:
- Which integrative activities or approaches can affect future resource management and sufficiency? What new instruments could be helpful?
- How could the impacts of European research and innovation projects better support European goals and global targets in the areas of water, climate, biodiversity, and resource efficiency?
The five panel members were:
- Panagiotis Balabanis, Head of Sector Water, EC DG Research and Innovation
- Floor Brouwer, SIM4Nexus project coordinator, University of Wageningen
- Antonia Lorenzo (BIOAZUL), Water Europe (Leader of the WG on Water and Agrifood)
- Jaana Lehtimäki (Academy of Finland) NCP for both SC2 and SC5
- Casper Zulim de Swarte (Schuttelaar & Partners), Senior Advisor Food Transition
Panel members as well as participants raised interesting points related to mechanisms to reach policy makers, the value of impact assessments and how to deal with the long term (which is indeed a question the impact pathway assessment of IMPACT-SC5 aims to address), the role of best practices in projects and networks and the need for participants in the projects to understand the policy rationale behind the call topics. Other interesting points brought up were gender issues, particularly the distribution and evolution of male-female researchers in junior to senior positions and the role and involvement of SMEs (how to get these interested to take part). A summary of the findings will be made available shortly.
If you were unable to take part in the event, you can watch the recording.
The presentations are available for you to download:
- IMPACT-SC5 Workshop_23rd March Naira Uribe – introduction to the project
- IMPACT-SC5 Workshop 23 March Janne Lehenkari – project methodology and portfolio analysis
- IMPACT-SC5 Workshop 23 March Mona Arnold – comparative analysis of RIA and IA across SC2-SC5
Interested and curious to find out more? In the period April-May we will organise five thematic workshops presenting and discussing the findings from our portfolio analyses:
- 28 April Portfolio Climate change
- 29 April Portfolio Raw materials
- 6 May Portfolio Environment, ecosystems, biodiversity
- 11 May Portfolio Waste
- 12 May Portfolio Water
On 3 June 2021, we will present the project’s results and policy recommendations for discussion and feedback during a stakeholder conference. Further information about the workshops and registration will become available on this website.