IMPACT–SC5 ‐ “Assessing the impact pathways of IA/RIA SC5 projects through the use of portfolio analysis” ‐ is a 16 months project (1/11/2019-28/02/2021), funded under Societal Challenge 5. It is coordinated by Tecnalia, in partnership with VTT, JIIP‐the Joint Institute for Innovation Policy aisbl, and Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL.
IMPACT‐SC5 aims to assess the impacts of the 87 RIA and IA projects funded under the SC5 Work Programme 2014-15. To do so, IMPACT-SC5 partners will employ a multilevel analysis, starting at project (participant) level, through portfolio and context analyses. Applying such a rigorous methodology will allow us to capture the various (intended and unintended) impacts of projects and groups of projects.
The scientific, economic, societal and environmental performance of the 87 RIA and IA projects under scrutiny will be measured by means of an extensive set of indicators developed straight from the early stages of the project. A portfolio analysis will complement the project‐level analysis in order to determine how projects perform together in relation to different objectives.
IMPACT‐SC5 will explore impact pathways to identify good practices and draw recommendations for policymakers and potential EU research funding beneficiaries to increase the impacts of future SC5 projects. Particular attention will be paid to the broad and changing policy contexts to ensure a holistic approach for a better understanding of the performance (and the underlying factors) of the 87 projects.
Throughout the project, stakeholder engagement will be strongly fostered. The methodology and findings (including the recommendation) will be validated with high‐level experts and practitioners who will also be channels for dissemination. Finally, the methodology will be made available to the European Commission for its use in the ex‐post evaluation of Horizon 2020 or future evaluation exercises.
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