Upcoming Events
Past Events
European Research and Innovation Days
22-24 September 2020
The 2020 edition of the Research and Innovation Days (R&I days) will gather broad input from participants on how research and innovation policy and funding can deliver on the European Green Deal, digitalisation and other priorities. Building on the success of last year’s edition, the 2020 event will feature three days of intensive policy co-designing, thought-provoking panels and matchmaking opportunities.
The European Research and Innovation Days bring together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.
For more information please visit :
22-24th September 2020
The European Green Deal Call infoday will take place virtually in the hub 2 of the Research & Innovation Days (R&IDays) on 22-24th September.
On 23th September
- 14:00 – 16:00 : Opening – Horizon 2020 EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL CALL Info Day – Presentation of the Call : Open session where high-level speakers will deliver the political messages and present the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call.
- 16:00 – 18:00 : Workshop – Horizon 2020 EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL CALL Info Day – Presentation of the Call areas & topics during parallel sessions
On 24th September
- 09:00 – 13:00 : Workshop – Horizon 2020 EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL CALL Info day – Brokerage event : Open session where high-level speakers will deliver the political messages and present the call in general
The Global Innovation and Technology Conference in the Raw Materials Sector
23-25 September 2020
The Raw Material Summit 2020 will envision the future of the raw materials industry in line with the priorities of the EU Green Deal. The three-day event will address digitalisation and innovation in areas including the transition to green energy supply as well as the rising demand for raw materials and advanced materials for e-mobility.
If you want to register please follow the link :
For more information please visit :
Water Innovation Europe 2020 – A Water-Smart Society for a post-COVID19 Green Deal
22-26 June, Digital Edition
The “Water Innovation Europe 2020” is the annual conference of Water Europe. The event brings together a broad variety of water stakeholders: scientists and technology developers, utility representatives, large water users, European Public authorities, civil society organizations and finance experts. Water Innovation Europe offers an open platform for information gathering and networking among the most influential stakeholders from within and beyond the water sector.
For more information please visit :
The European Sustainable Energy Week – “Beyond the crisis: clean energy for green recovery and growth.”
23-25 June 2020
European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a month-long series of activities to build a secure energy future for Europe. It brings together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient power.
For more information please visit :
Online public consultation “2030 Climate Target Plan”
Open until 23 June 2020
Stakeholders and citizens are invited to respond to the online public consultation on the 2030 Climate Target Plan, recently launched by the European Commission and which will remain open until 23 June 2020. The consultation aims to collect opinions on the desired ambition level of climate and energy policies, necessary actions in different sectors and specific policy design to increase climate ambition by 2030. It also aims to gather further information, including roadmaps, policy briefs and studies relevant for deeper greenhouse gas emission reductions.
For more information please visit :
ClairCity webinar “Citizens at the centre of air pollution & carbon reduction decision making”
25 June 2020, 3-4.30 CEST
Are you a politician or policymaker? Do you want to give greater voice to the citizens of your city or region? Then this webinar is for you.
This webinar will focus on the ClairCity results of making policies together with citizens. The main policy lessons achieved across our six cities will be discussed in the context of citizen involvement. The speakers will reflect with attendees about the opportunities and costs for policymaking and policy implementation following greater citizen participation. Finally, the session will discuss what policy lessons the ClairCity method can offer to other middle-sized cities aiming at ambitious and citizen-inclusive air quality and carbon policies.
You will be joined by representatives from science, policy and local government who were all involved during the four year project. There will be several opportunities for questions and you will come away with resources to support your work.
To register to this webinar, please visit:
Virtual International Partnering – Innovation in Environment & Energy & Circular Economy
registration until 31/12/2020
The Virtual International Partnering – Innovation in Environment & Energy & Circular Economy brings together companies and research organisation from across Europe and worldwide. This is a unique opportunity, organised in the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network, to generate new contacts for business, technical co-ooperation and R&D. The model is time- and cost efficient and results in business!
The Partnering Event was originally planned to take place at the IFAT, World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, in Munich. Since the fair has been postponed, to 7-11th September, EEN Bavaria has decided to make this event a virtual one and to hold the meetings online via B2Match on 4. and 5. May 2020.
The deadline for registration and for virtual meeting has now been extended till 31/12/2020.
Registration is open on https://international-partnering-environment-2020.b2match.io/
You can send your meeting requests at any time and book meeting flexibly. However, in order to remind all participants regularly to check new incoming registrations and partnering opportunities,Partnering Days are organised once per month, to encourage all participants to “jump in” focussed during these days.
- 21st & 22nd July 2020
- 11th &12th August 2020
- 15th & 16th September 2020
- 13th & 14th October 2020
- 17th & 18th November 2020
- 8th & 9th December 2020
Workshop on the Impact of European Research Programmes
23 March 2021
Workshop on the impact of European Research Programmes: Impact-SC5: Bridging Land, Food, Energy and Water for Increased Resource Sufficiency
An interactive workshop comparing the approaches of SC2 and SC5 and their impacts on future Research & Development strategies and EU policy goals. In this context, we will discuss how stronger interlinkages between programmes could help to increase efficiency, reduce redundancies and build synergies in research and its applications while also improving governance across sectors.
Organised by the Impact-SC5 team! Find all info and register for FREE here.
EU Green Week
31 May-4 June 2021
EU Green Week – this annual event by the European Commission takes place 31 May – 4 June 2021.
Pollution affects everybody – through the air we breathe, the water we drink or the land we grow our food on. It is the largest environmental cause of multiple mental and physical diseases, and of premature deaths, especially among children, people with certain medical conditions and the elderly.
But pollution does not affect everybody equally. People who live in more deprived areas, very often live close to contaminated sites, or in areas where there is a very high flow of traffic.
Pollution is also one of the main reasons for the loss of biodiversity. It reduces the ability of ecosystems to provide services such as carbon sequestration and decontamination.
But it can be prevented. The EU Action Plan toward a Zero Pollution Ambition is a key action of the European Green Deal scheduled for spring 2021. It will help to create a toxic-free environment across the EU by better monitoring, reporting, preventing and remedying pollution from air, water, soil, and consumer products.
It will also support the post-COVID 19 recovery by helping to rebuild a more sustainable EU economy, creating job opportunities and reducing social inequalities.
The European Green Week 2021 will be dedicated to the ‘zero pollution ambition’. It will also look at other relevant European Green Deal initiatives, such the climate initiatives, the upcoming Chemicals Strategy, as well as initiatives in the field of energy, industry, mobility, agriculture, fisheries, health and biodiversity.
EU Green Week 2021 will be an opportunity to engage with all stakeholders and interested citizens on how we can work together to make the ambition for a zero pollution and toxic-free environment a reality.
For practical information and further information visit the European Commission website.
Climate Adaptation Summit 2021
25 and 26 January 2021
Our planet is getting warmer, which has a growing impact on our societies and economies. We need to adapt to a new, more extreme climate.
The online international Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) 2021 on 25 and 26 January, hosted by the Netherlands, convenes global leaders and local stakeholders. It will see the launch of a comprehensive Adaptation Action Agenda that sets out clear commitments to deliver concrete new endeavours and partnerships to make our world more resilient to the effects of climate change.
Register to be part of CAS 2021: https://www.cas2021.com/